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Compare French energy offers

Our English-speaking advisors will help you compare, subscribe and save on your electricity and gas plans at [email protected]. You can contact us also:


Compare French energy offers

Our English-speaking advisors will help you compare, subscribe and save on your electricity and gas plans.

About Lucia Energie

Established in 2007, Lucia Energie is an alternative electricity supplier, and is a subsidiary of the Electricity Cooperative of Saint Martin de Londres (CESML). The CESML is a local distribution company (in French: entreprise locale de distribution - ELD) founded in 1920 by farmers of the Hérault to ensure their access to electricity. Following the opening of the French energy market in 2007, Lucia Energie has become an electricity supplier marketing its offers throughout France on the ENEDIS network.

Lucia Energie: Focused on the agricultural sector

Lucia Energie was created by an electricity cooperative made up of farmers and communities. Its range of services reflect its historical values: proximity, responsiveness and the efficiency of a company on a human scale. Lucia Energie thus offers the agricultural world fully dedicated access and is able to adapt to trends and developments in the agricultural sector.

Lucia Energie covers part of the electricity needs of its customers thanks to the production capacities of the Saint Martin Electricity Cooperative in London. The Moulin Bertrand dam, created in 1924, is currently developing a total electrical power of 3000 kW.

Lucia Energie Offers

Lucia Energie's offer for individuals is called the Mistral or special blue offer (not be be confused with EDF's Blue Tariff offer). The Mistral offer is reserved for households connected to the low voltage network in Metropolitan France, whose subscribed power is less than or equal to 36 kVA. The offer includes:

  • A price per kWh identical to the EDF Blue tariff (regulated electricity tariff);
  • A fixed guaranteed price excluding VAT for a period of one year;
  • Close customer relationship with advice to control and optimize consumption;
  • Payment of invoices by direct debit (the 10th or 20th of the month), check, transfer or money order;
Name Subscription Charge Per kWh rate Details
Offre Mistral Same as EDF regulated tariffs Same as EDF regulated tariffs
  • 1 year fixed price

  • No commitment

Subscribe with Lucia Energie

Contact Selectra's English-speaking advisers to sign up.

Lucia Energie's Mistral plan offers a fixed price for one year, meaning that if regulated tariffs rise during the year, those of Lucia Energie will not be revised upward. Lucia Energy also promises not to charge higher rates than the regulated tariffs upon renewal. However, this promise does not include any increases in taxes (CSPE, CTA, and TCFE VAT), thereby decreasing the value of the offer. Lucia Energie's offer remains less attractive than those of its competitors, in particular that of Total Energies (the leading alternative supplier in France), which guarantees prices that will always be cheaper than EDF's regulated tariffs.

  • Lucia Energie's Mistral plan features
  • One year contract (automatically renewed). The customer can cancel at any time and without charge.
  • Monthly billing
  • Price revision: prices are fixed for one year
  • Payment: direct debit or cheque (with an additional charge of € 2 including taxes per month)
  • Paper or electronic billing depending on the customer's choice

Contact Lucia Energie


Subscribe with Lucia Energie

Contact Selectra's English-speaking advisers to sign up.

You can contact Lucia Energie via:

  • telephone: 04 67 66 67 68 (cost of a local call), Monday through Friday from 8:30 am - 12 pm and from 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm
  • email: [email protected]
  • post: 158, Allée des écureuils, 34980 Saint-Gély-du-Fesc

Setting up energy in France for the first time? Find out how to set up energy in our guide.