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At Selectra, merit and involvement are the most important factors in your professional development, in contrast to what might be the case in larger, traditional companies. We aim to keep our start-up spirit, with a relatively flat hierarchy and regular parties!
Hello there, nice to meet you!
Aurian de Maupeou
Co-founder of Selectra, Aurian holds a double diploma from Sciences Po Paris (Master in Finance and Strategy) and from the University of Saint-Gallen (Master in International Affairs). Aurian has also lived in Asia while studying on exchange at Waseda University (Tokyo) and at the Korea University (Seoul). Self-taught in web design and development, Aurian is in charge of SEO strategy, web tools, and business development.
Xavier Pinon
Xavier is a co-founder of Selectra and holds degrees from Sciences Po Paris (Master in Finance and Strategy) and from Columbia University (International Affairs, concentration in International Energy Management and Policy). He is also interested in Asia, having done an exchange at Tokyo University in Japan. Xavier supervises the commercial side of Selectra as well as the development of web content. He is the co-author of the book, "Le marché de détail de l'énergie", about the retail energy market in France.
Laura Dubois
Laura is the current manager of the website. She joined the team in September 2018 and holds a master's degree in Communications, Media & Creative Industries from the University of Sciences Po Paris.
Hilary Norris
Hilary managed Selectra's English-language websites until 2016, and was the primary point of contact for She holds a master's degree in Environmental Policy from the university Sciences Po Paris and a BA in International Relations from the University of British Columbia in Canada.
Juliette Sinibardy
Juliette Sinibardy joined Selectra in May 2015. She holds a master's degree in Economics and Business from Sciences Po Paris, and has contributed to content on
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Selectra SARL
66 Rue Sébastien Mercier
Madrid office
Calle del Conde de Vilches 20
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Do you want to help us grow Selectra internationally? Whether it’s for commercial, web content, human resources, communication, or web development, our teams are growing every month as we expand and develop our activities.
Check our careers page (in French) for our latest offers, or get in touch to find out more about the opportunities at Selectra.