Bouygues Television Options

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Looking to find out more about your French television options with Bouygues Telecom? Look no further, we've grouped all of their offers in one place in this guide! 

On top of providing mobile plans and Internet via its Bbox, Bouygues Telecom also has TV offers.

These can be grouped into two main categories: the TV channels included in their "triple play" Bbox Fit, Bbox Must and Bbox Ultym package offers, as well as supplementary TV packages.

  • The basics
  • Up to 180 TV channels and 32 replay channels included with the BBox Must and BBox Ultym
  • A bonus TV package to select with the BBox Ultym
  • The Bouquet Grand Angle TV is the most complete additional TV channel package, with 42 TV channels for 13.99€

TV channels included with Bbox TV

Bouygues Telecom offers a basic TV package included in its Bbox Fit, Bbox Must and Bbox Ultym packages, with up to 180 TV channels offered. The Bbox includes the following channels:

National TV Channels
TF1 HD, France 2 HD, France 3 HD, Canal+ en clair HD, France 5 HD, M6 HD, Arte HD, D8 HD, W9 HD, TMC, NT1, NRJ12, LCP/Public Sénat, France 4 HD, BFM TV HD, i>tele, D17, Gulli, France ô, HD1 HD, L'Equipe 21 HD, 6 TER HD, Numéro 23 HD, RMC Découverte HD, Chérie 25 HD, Paris Première, France Info TV
RTL9, Téva HD, Tv Breizh, TV5 Monde, Game One, Indies TV
AB moteurs, Equidia Live, Equidia Life.
Mezzo, MCM, NRJ HITS, Ofive TV, Clubbing TV, Trace Urban HD, Brava HD, L'Enorme TV, Virgin Radio TV, J4T
Disney Channel HD, Disney channel+1
Young Adult
Game one +1, Gong Base, Ouatch TV
LCI HD, Euronews, France 24, BFM Business HD, Public Senat 24/24, Ma chaine Etudiante, Africa 24, CNN international, SkyNews, Bloomberg Television, France 24 Anglais, Al Jazeera English, I24 news, CNCB Europe, BBC World
Fashion TV, Fashion One TV, Men's UP, Campagnes TV, Luxe TV HD
Souvenirs from Earth, Tropik TV, National Geographic, Ushuaia TV, Histoire, Aerostar TV
Culture and Society
Nolife, KTO
Life and Leisure
Euroshopping TV, M6 Boutique &Co, Best of Shopping, Ginx, Lucky Jack, Astrocenter, Star 24
Regional Television
IDF1, Canal 21, TELEBOCAL, TVFil 78, Télif, La Locale, WEO, Grand Lille TV, Alsace 20, Opal TV, Vosges TV, Mirabelle TV, Canal 32, Télénantes, TV7 Bordeaux, TLT, TLM, TV8 Mt Blanc, Maritima TV, TV Sud Camargues Cévennes, France 3 HD, France 3 Alpes, France 3 Alsace, France 3 Aquitaine, France 3 Auvergne, France 3 Basse-Normandie, France 3 Bourgogne, France 3 Bretagne, France 3 Centre, France 3 Champagne-Ardenne, France 3 Corse, France 3 Côte d'Azur, France 3 France Comté, France 3 Haute-Normandie, France 3 Languedoc, France 3 Limousin, France 3 Lorraine, France 3 Midi-Pyrénées, France 3 Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France 3 Paris Ile De France, France 3 Pays de la Loire, France 3 Picardie, France 3 Poitou Charente, France 3 Provence Alpes, France 3 Rhône-Alpes, Demain TV, Matele, Tebeo, TVR (Rennes), LM TV, TeleGrenoble, QVC, TV Sud Montpellier, Canal 10 Guadeloupe, OM5 TV
International TV Channels
ETB Sat, TVE, TVE 24 horas, Record News, Deutsche Welle, Arte, TV Romania, RTS Sat, Armenia 1, Russia Today, Canal Algérie, Echourouk TV, Ennahar TV, 2M Maroc, AL AOULA INTERNATIONAL, Arryadia, Arrabia, Assadissa, Nesma, Télévision Nationale Tunisienne, Hannibal TV, France 24 Arabe, Al Jazeera Arabe, Jeem TV, MBC Drama, Dubaï TV, Baraem, Murr TV, telesud, Vox Africa, CCTV F, NTD, NHK World HD, Bet TV,

TV Streaming with the Bbox Must For internet lines with low connection speed (between 2 and 3,6 Mbit/s) Bouygues Telecom offers the possibility to stream some TV channels (with the Bbox Must). The channels available for streaming include: TF1, France 2, France 3, Canal+ en clair, France 5, M6, Arte, D8, W9, TMC, NT1, NRJ12, LCP/Public Sénat, France 4, BFM TV, i>TELE, D17, Gulli, France Ô, HD1, L’Equipe 21, 6ter, Numéro 23, RMC Découverte, Chérie 25, Bbox Actu TV, RTL9, Paris Première, Téva, TV Breizh, TV5 Monde, Game One, AB Moteurs, Equidia Live, Equidia Life, MCM, NRJ Hits, OFive.TV, Clubbing TV, Trace Urban, Brava HDTV, Disney Channel, Disney Channel HD, LCI, Euronews, France 24, BFM Business, LCP, Afraca 24, CNN, France 24 Anglais, Al Jazeera English, i24news, CNBC Europe, Fashion TV, Men’s UP, Luxe TV, Tropik TV, Nolife, Euroshopping TV, M6 Boutique & Co, Best Shopping, Ginx, Lucky Jack, Alsace 20, Vosges TV, Normandie TV, TLM, Record News, Russia Today, Canal Algérie, 2M Maroc, Hannibal TV, France 24 Arabe, TELESUD.

English-language TV with Bouygues

The following American and British channels are available in Bouygue's basic television package:

  • BBC World
  • CNN International
  • National Geographic
  • Disney Channel

Fibre internet offers available on 09/02/2025
Offer Included services Price
B&You Pure Fibre
Valid on 21/01/2025
  •  Up to 8 Gbit/s in down speed
  •  Up to 1 Gbit/s in up speed
  •  No contract
📞  +33 9 77 55 72 27 Subscribe online

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Bbox Série limitée Fibre
Valid on 21/01/2025
  •  Up to 1 Gbit/s in down speed
  •  Up to 700 Mbit/s in up speed
  •  180 included TV channels
  •  Free calls to fixed lines
  •  No contract
📞  +33 9 77 55 72 27 Subscribe online

 Free Callback
Bbox Must Fibre
Valid on 21/01/2025
  •  Up to 2 Gbit/s in down speed
  •  Up to 900 Mbit/s in up speed
  •  180 included TV channels
  •  Free calls to fixed + mobile lines
  •  12-month contract
€34.99/month for 12 months
Then €41.99/month
📞  +33 9 77 55 72 27 Subscribe online

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Bbox Ultym Fibre
Valid on 21/01/2025
  •  Up to 8 Gbit/s in down speed
  •  Up to 1 Gbit/s in up speed
  •  180 included TV channels
  •  Free calls to fixed + mobile lines
  •  12-month contract
€42.99/month for 12 months
Then €49.99/month
📞  +33 9 77 55 72 27 Subscribe online

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Paying TV packages

Bouygues Telecom offers several TV packages for Bbox customers.

Grand Angle

The Bbox Grand Angle is a comprehensive TV package that includes channels for all interest areas: entertainment, sport, music, children, film, news, lifestyle, young adult, discovery, and adult, all for 13.99€ par month and without a time commitment (the first month is free). A total of 40 channels are offered with this package:

E! Entertainment (channel 37), AB1 (channel 38)
Nautical Channel (channel 62), Sport 365 (channel 63), Girondins TV (channel 67), Trace Sport Stars (channel 69)
M6 Music (channel 70), Deluxe Lounge Music, Mezzo Live, Game One Music HD, Trace Tropical (channel 79), iConcerts (channel 80), C Music (channel 81), MCM Top (channel 83), RFM TV (channel 84)
Children's TV
Télétoon+ (channel 105), Boing (channel 106), Boomerang (channel 107), Boomerang +1 (channel 108), Piwi + (channel 110), BabyTV (channel 111)
Young Adult
Mangas (channel 115), KZ TV (channel 120), Gong (channel 121), Fuel TV (channel 122)
TCM Cinéma (channel 130), Eurochannel (channel 139), Sundance Channel (channel 140), Paramount (channel 131)
Vivolta (channel 207), MyZen TV (channel 208), Théâtres (channel 227)
Animaux (channel 211), Toute l’Histoire (channel 213), Chasse & Pêche (channel 214), Trek (channel 210), Science and Vie TV, The Museum Channel HD
Blue Hustler (channel 270), Penthouse (channel 271)

BeIN Sports

The Bouquet beIN Sports is the TV package made for football (soccer) lovers. For 13.99€/month (no engagement), you can watch all of the events happening in the Ligue 1, Ligue 2, UEFA Champion's League, UEFA Europa League, as well as American sports TV on the following channels:

television options
  • Bein Sports 1 (channel 60)
  • Bein Sports 2 (channel 61)
  • Bein Sports 3 (channel 62)
  • Bein Sports Max (channels 180 à 187)

For more information about how to get access to Sports on TV in France with channels such as beIN, RMC Sport, Eurosport and CANAL +, check out this dedicated article.


Bouygues Telecom offers three TV packages dedicated to film:

Package NameBouquet Bbox CinéBouquet OCS*Bbox Grand Ciné
Channels includedTCM Cinéma, Paramount Channel , Ciné + Club, Ciné + Classic, Ciné + Famiz, Action, FX, Polar, Sundance Channel, Ciné + Premier, Ciné + Emotion, Ciné + Frisson, TCM Cinéma HD, Sundance Channel HD, Paramount Channel HD, Ciné + Premier HD, Ciné + Premier Emotion HD, Ciné + Frisson HDOCS Go, OCS Max, OCS City, OCS Choc, OCS Géants

All of the Bbox Ciné channels + 3 adult entertainment channels:

  • Dorcel TV
  • Dorcel TV HD
  • XXL

*only available for Bbox Sensation Fibre customers


You can subscribe to Canal+ or CanalSat with the Bbox.

For Canal+, Bbox customers have one option:

  • All 6 Canal+ channels (Canal+, Canal + Cinéma, Canal+ Sport, Canal+ Séries, Canal+ Family, Canal+ décalé) for 25.90€/month during the first year, then 39.90€/month

Bouygues Telecom offers two options for a CanalSat subscription:

  • Panorama: more than 80 channels covering a wide range of themes, at 15.90€/month for the first year, then 24.90€/month
  • Grand Panorama: includes all of the channels from the Panorama and Séries Cinéma packages, at 25€/month for the first year, then 39.90€/month

There are also 3 options for combining Canal+ and CanalSat:

  • Canal+ and CanalSat 100% Sport: 35€/month for the first year, then 49.90€/month
  • Canal+ and CanalSat Panorama: 30€/month for the first year, then 64.80€/month
  • Canal+ and CanalSat Séries Cinéma: 30€/month for the first year, then 59.80€/month


For Bbox Sensation Fibre customers only, it is possible to access TV channels offered by Numericable. There are three possibilities:

  • NumeriPass: 150 channels for 11€/month
  • NumeriPass Premium: 180 channels for 21€/month
  • Numeripass Platinium: 220 channels for 60€/month

Channels à la carte

Bouygues Telecom offers several TV channels that can be purchased individually (à la carte), starting from 1€ per month:

  • Golf Channel
  • Mélody
  • Berbère TV
  • Hustler TV
  • Pink TV / Pink X
  • English Club TV
  • English Club TV HD
  • TV Globo
  • PFC
  • Antenna 1
  • Israeli Network
  • Channel One Russia
  • Africabox
  • ORTC


Bouygues Telecom offers 5 adult entertainment packages:

Package nameBouquet AdulteAdulte PremiumPenthouse HD2X GayDorcel TV
Channels includedDorcel TV, XXL, Dorcel TV HDDorcel TV, Hustler TV, Penthouse HD1 and HD2 (versions SD and HD), Dorcel TV HDPenthouse HD1 and HD2 (versions SD and HD)Pink-X, Man-XDorcel XXX, Dorcel TV, Dorcel XXX HD, Dorcel TV HD


Bouygues Telecom offers one package, M6 Music, which includes M6 Music for 2.50€/month. 

Pass Disney Channel Avant-Première

In order to enjoy the Disney Channel unlimited and in advance, Bouygues Telecom offers the Pass Disney Channel Avant-Première for 2.90€/month.

International TV Packages

Bouygues Telecom offers a range of TV packages catering to a variety of different countries and cultures. English speakers looking for British and American TV may however be disappointed:

  • Bouquet Africain (6.90€/month) and bouquet Africain premium (9.90€/month) for TV channels from sub-Saharan Africa
  • Bouquet Allemand (8.90€/month) for German-language channels
  • Bouquets Arabesque (9.90€/month) and Bouquet Arabesque Premium (14.90€/month) for Arabic-language music and culture TV channels
  • Bouquet Arabia (9.90€/month) and the bouquet Arabe (9.90€/month) for Arabic language channels (MBC, MBC 3, Iqraa, Dubai TV)
  • Bouquet Globo (29.90€/month) for Brazilian TV channels (PFC and TV Globo Internacional)
  • Bouquet Grande Muraille (8.88€/month) for Chinese TV channels (12 total)
  • Bouquet JSTV (49€/month) for the Japanese TV channel (JSTV)
  • Bouquet Libanais (9.90€/month) for the best of Lebanese television (4 channels)
  • Bouquet Lusophone (4.90€/month) for Portuguese and Brazilian TV (3 channels)
  • Bouquet Pakistanais (11.90€/month - Geo TV and Geo News)
  • Bouquet Rai (3.90€/month) for the RAI public television channels (RAI News, RAI 1, 2, & 3)
  • Bouquet Rotana (9.90€/month) 6 channels from the Rotana Group (Middle East)
  • Bouquet RTV Pink (14.90€/month) for Serbian television (4 channels)
  • Bouquet Russe (4.90€/month) for the best of Russian television (5 channels)
  • Bouquet Zee (15.90€/month) for Zee TV and Zee Cinema

Streaming options

With the app, you can watch more than 70 TV channels directly from your tablet or smartphone. You can also watch some television programmes from your computer, including the TNT channels, the Disney Channel, Ushuaïa TV, LCI, Paris Première, and others. All Bbox customers are eligible for this service.